Bandaríkjamenn myrtu börn í Írak - Fjölmiđlar ţegja!

Sami skíturinn, annađ rassgat!

Í gćr birtust fréttir af Wikileaks leka sem stađfestir ađ bandarísir hermenn handjárnuđu og myrtu ung börn í Írak ţ.á.m. fimm börn undir 5 ára aldri og fjórar konur m.a. 70 ára gamalmenni.

Bandaríkjastjórn er hryđjuverkaríki sem á ađ gera útlćgt úr samfélagi ţjóđanna.

Áhugavert er ađ Íslenskir fjölmiđlar ađ Smugunni undanskylinni hafa ekkert fjallađ um ţetta grafalvarlega mál. RÚV, Morgunblađiđ, Fréttablađiđ og Stöđ2 virđast málpípur stćrsta hryđjuverkaríkis heims. Á sama tíma og glćpir bandaríkjanna gegn mannkyninu afhjúpast birtir hiđ veruleikafirrta fréttastofa RÚV frétt undir fyrirsögninni: "Batnandi ástand í Írak". 


Fréttirnar frá Írak ćttu ađ vera nćg ástćđa fyrir Íslensk stjórnvöld til ađ reka sendiherra bandaríkjanna úr landi ásamt sínu hyski.

Viđ eigum ađ taka byggingar ţeirra hér á landi eignarnámi og gefa til góđgerđarmála enda hafa ţeir ítrekađ orđiđ uppvísir ađ njósnastarfsemi frá bandaríska sendiráđinu í Reykjavík.

Friđur 2000 mun í dag senda ţá kröfu til Utanríkisráđherra ađ hann reki bandaríska sendiherrann úr landi án tafar.


Sendiráđsskjölin: Skutu fimm smábörn til bana

02.09.2011  |  Fréttir

Skjöl frá bandaríska utanríkisráđuneytinu sem Wikileaks hefur gert opinber varpa ljósi á atvik ţar sem bandarískir hermenn eru taldir hafa tekiđ af lífi tíu óbreytta borgara í bćnum Ishaqi í Írak áriđ 2006. Međal ţeirra voru kona á sjötugsaldri og fimm börn, ţar af eitt fimm mánađa. Eftir ađ fólkiđ var skotiđ til bana voru gerđar loftárásir til ađ hylja slóđina. Í skjölunum eru birtar spurningar frá eftirlitsmanni Sameinuđu ţjóđanna til bandarískra stjórnvalda en embćttismenn í Írak höfđu krafist ađgerđa í kjölfar atburđanna. Bandarísk yfirvöld neituđu ađ nokkuđ óeđlilegt hefđi getađ átt sér stađ.

Philip Alston starfsmađur Sameinuđu ţjóđanna skýrđi hinsvegar bandarískum embćttismönnum frá ţví ađ krufning hefđi leitt í ljós ađ fólkiđ hefđi veriđ handjárnađ og skotiđ til bana, ţar á međal fimm börn sem öll voru yngri en fimm ára. Ţetta kemur fram á

Philip Alston frá Sameinuđu ţjóđunum segist viđ blađiđ ekki geta gefiđ frekari upplýsingar en stađreyndin sé sú ađ mannréttindaráđ SŢ fylgi ekki eftir málum ţegar ríki ákveđi ađ virđa ađ vettugi erindi sem berast frá eftirlitsmönnum stofnunarinnar. Ţannig hafi fariđ um flest erindi til bandarískra yfirvalda á árunum 2006 til 2007 ţegar Íraksstríđiđ var í hámarki. Engin viđbrögđ var ađ fá hjá hermálayfirvöldum ađ sögn blađsins.

Hátt í 35.000 borgarar féllu í Írak áriđ 2006 samkvćmt tölum Sameinuđu ţjóđanna. Tćplega 36.700  

Myrtu smábörn međ köldu blóđi

02.09.2011  |  Raddir

,,Snemma áriđ 2006, í bćnum Ishaqi í Írak, voru Hawra’a, fimm ára, Aisha, ţriggja ára, Husam, fimm mánađa, Asma’a Yousif Ma’arouf, fimm ára, og Usama Yousif Ma’arouf, ţriggja ára, handjárnuđ og skotin í höfuđiđ af bandarískum hermönnum,” skrifar Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir á bloggiđ sitt.
,,Ţetta kemur fram í bandarískum sendiráđsskjölum sem Wikileaks hefur birt. Hermennirnir réđust inní hús, söfnuđu 11 manns, ţar međ taliđ börnunum, saman í eitt herbergi og tóku alla af lífi. Ađ ţví loknu voru gerđar loftárásir á húsiđ, farartćki brennd og húsdýrin drepin.”

Sjá blogg Sólveigar Önnu 


WikiLeaks reveals murder of Iraqi children by US troops

Published: 01 September, 2011, 20:48

An Iraqi woman and her children walk by a US Soldiers from the First Battalion, 17th Infantry, as he guards other soldiers from possible sniper fire as they conduct a vehicle search at a checkpoint in Mosul, north of Baghdad (AFP Photo / Cris Bouroncle)

An Iraqi woman and her children walk by a US Soldiers from the First Battalion, 17th Infantry, as he guards other soldiers from possible sniper fire as they conduct a vehicle search at a checkpoint in Mosul, north of Baghdad (AFP Photo / Cris Bouroncle)

TAGS: ChildrenCrimeMilitaryScandalIraq,CorruptionUSACultureWar

While this week marks the one-year anniversary since the US formally ended military operations in Iraq, a diplomatic cable exposed by WikiLeaks unearths a gruesome incident in which Americans handcuffed and executed children during a 2006 raid.

An uncensored diplomatic cable released through WikIleaks last week shows that not only did US troops brutally execute 11 Iraqis during an incident in March of 2006, but they then ordered in an airstrike to destroy the evidence of their wrongdoing.

Up until now, officials have either downplayed or denied the event, but the latest release courtesy of Julian Assange’s whistleblower site confirms what Iraqis have accused Americans of all along.

According to the newly released cable, American troops approached a house in Ishaqi, around 80 miles outside of Baghdad, and were met with gunfire. Once the firestorm subsided, however, the soldiers entered the home and handcuffed all of the residents, including several women and children. Once bound, the US troops then shot the civilians in the head and called in an air raid.

Allegations that the incident occurred have existed ever since the event, which was dated to have happened on March 15, 2006. The recent file released in a document dump from WikiLeaks finally confirms it by way of a United Nations investigator, who questioned the incident days later.

The newly-released cable documents correspondence between Phillip Alston, the UN’s special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, and American officials only 12 days after the raid occurred. According to the cable, Alston reached out to US officials after Iraqi civilians cried foul play and asked for a formal investigation into the matter. At the time, US officials denied they had done anything. McClatchy Newspapers reports that US military officials in Iraq dismissed allegation from the townspeople at the time, saying that their supposed eye-witness accounts were highly likely to be false and that an investigation was not necessary.

In Alston’s letter, however, the UN official states that American forces entered the house after firing at it — with support from an armed helicopter — and then executed 11 people in all. Three vehicles and the family’s animals were also destroyed.

Alston’s correspondence with US officials and analyses of the autopsy remained unpublished until WikiLeaks exposed the information last week.

Though the incident occurred over five years ago, the US has remained mostly mum on the issue. Speaking to McClatchy today, Alston says, “The tragedy is that this elaborate system of communications is in place but the (UN) Human Rights Council does nothing to follow up when states ignore issues raised with them."

The cable shows that the UN official was able to receive information from the autopsy of those killed, which revealed that each person in the house during the raid was handcuffed and shot in the head, including five children under the age of 5 years old and four women, one in her 70s.

Early on in the investigation, spokespeople for the US military said that an al-Qaeda-linked insurgent was located in the house and that American troops seized him from a first-floor room after a gun battle. The cables exposed by WikiLeaks, however, suggests that troops entered the house after 25 minutes of a shootout, handcuffing and shooting the residents once the coast was clear.

The cable was signed off by Col. Fadhil Muhammed Khalaf, assistant chief of the Joint Coordination Center, and cites autopsies performed at the morgue of the Tikrit Hospital. The Join Coordination Center was based in Tikrit, hometown of Saddam Hussein, and served as a security center that was founded by US military personnel and staffed by Iraqi police officers that were trained by Americans. 

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